Bill Gates predicts the end of artificial intelligence: this is his bet for the future

Bill Gates predicts the end of artificial intelligence: this is his bet for the future


The Microsoft co-founder stated that a truly advanced machine capable of being aware of its own thought process must be created


The tycoon remembers the opportunity to create a new technology. (Photo: REUTERS)

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and prominent philanthropist, recently shared his reflections on the advancement and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Next Big Idea Club podcast. Although he no longer holds a management role in the company, his opinion still has strength in the technological world.

During his speech, Gates expressed his astonishment at the rapid evolution that AI has had in recent years. He recognized the transformative potential of this technology in various sectors, but was also critical of its current limitations.

The tycoon pointed out that, despite being sophisticated tools, models like ChatGPT and Llama are nothing more than “stochastic parrots.” In other words, although they appear intelligent, they simply replicate information based on the data they have been trained with, without real understanding.

What is metacognition, the new challenge for AI

Gates proposes an AI that does not replicate but rather implements new knowledge. (Illustrative image Infobae)

Gates proposes an AI that does not replicate but rather implements new knowledge. (Illustrative image Infobae)

One of the highlights of his remarks was his mention of “metacognition,” which he describes as the next big challenge for AI. According to Gates, a truly advanced machine must be able to be aware of its own thought process.

This advance would allow artificial intelligences to not only repeat predefined patterns, but also acquire and apply knowledge in innovative ways. The Microsoft co-founder was clear in pointing out that, although AI has been a revolution in terms of automation, current models lack certain dimensions of human thinking.

Bill Gates suggests that AI must acquire more human capabilities. (Photo: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton/Pool)

For Gates, an advanced AI must be able to evaluate the importance of information and use external tools to verify answers and correct errors. This type of reflective and conscious ability is what would differentiate truly advanced AI from current tools.

How reliable is artificial intelligence for Bill Gates

Gates also addressed the issue of the reliability and accuracy of current AI models. Despite advances in speed and efficiency, thanks to larger and more powerful training data, reliability and accuracy problems persist.

In his vision, the artificial intelligence of the future should be able to address complex problems in a comprehensive and creative way, similar to what was proposed by different ancient theorists and philosophers.

Despite its progress, AI still presents several challenges in its response capacity. (Illustrative image Infobae)

Despite its progress, AI still presents several challenges in its response capacity. (Illustrative image Infobae)

The tycoon argued that, as AI models continue to evolve , they must do so in a direction that makes them more reflective and conscious.

This need to move towards artificial intelligence capable of imitating the human ability to apply the acquired knowledge in an innovative and precise way is, according to Gates, crucial for the future development of technology.

What challenges does artificial intelligence have for the future?

We must not only focus on the technical aspects of the evolution of AI, but also on its ethical implications. This shows the importance of developing AI that is not only powerful, but also safe and ethical. An AI capable of complementing human knowledge is proposed. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, Gates like other experts underscore the need for adequate regulation to ensure these technologies are used responsibly.

Likewise, Gates' role like other entrepreneurs and experts as influential figures in the technology space makes them key commentators on the future of AI. Through his philanthropic work, he has promoted the use of technology to address global problems, and his reflections on AI are no exception.

The evolution of artificial intelligence is a topic of great relevance in today's world. As technology continues to advance, insights from well-known figures provide valuable perspective on what the future holds and the challenges that must be overcome.
