Book: Educating in the digital age

Book: Educating in the digital age
Latin America & Caribbean

Educating is a practice that is not usually carried out perfectly or immobile. The changing quality of the educational phenomenon allows attention to be directed to the specific situations of each field of study, to the reality experienced by the students and the circumstances surrounding the teaching processes.

In this sense, we are certain that we live in the digital age, not because the advances in technology have reached their climax, but because the trend set by its development guides us to the intuition that its progress will remain in force and with intensity in the coming years.

This leads to the central question of this book: What corresponds to offer education in modern times? The specific invitation, therefore, is to rethink education from the premise of being inserted in a context in which technology is no longer something external that one uses, but is an aspect that is involved even to delineate the way in which we we perceive and identify.

The central objective of this collective work is to promote reflexivity around the link between education and technology, showing the implications of technological advances in education and their impact on contemporary teaching.

To fulfill its intention, the work is divided into three parts. In the first one, some conceptual and paradigmatic perspectives of the current context of education are emphasized.

The second part of the book, aimed at the implication of technological advances in education, begins with the valuable contributions of Valeria Odetti and Graciela Caldeiro, who allude to the influence of the internet as a public space that affects the way in which subjects they build their identity.

The third part of the book is aimed at reviewing different modalities for current teaching tasks.

The book can be downloaded here.