Porn: the opium of the people

Porn: the opium of the people
Social networks


Marx didn't say it, but pornography is becoming a huge problem, a parallel world to the real one that is eating away at the foundations of life in every sense.

Najat El Hachmi


El País Newspaper

Elon Musk, in the name of freedom and democracy (not money) has decided to do his bit to strengthen the current hegemonic pornocracy. X's content policy has changed to allow the dissemination of pornography . Of course, as long as, say the platform's new rules, "they are produced and distributed in a consensual manner" and "they do not promote exploitation, lack of consent, objectification, sexualization, harm to minors and behavioral obscene.” Which might be a pretty accurate definition of what porn itself is. I wish it were true and in X they would get to work prosecuting audiovisual sexual exploitation, but it is unlikely given the pornified culture in which we live.

With so many men hooked on digital masturbation, it will be difficult to make the revolution. Marx didn't say it, it's true, but porn is becoming an enormous social, health and safety problem , a world parallel to the real one that is eating away at the foundations of human life in every sense and everywhere, affecting to democracy itself. Am I exaggerating? Maybe, but remember that the Marquis de Sade defended prostitution as an escape valve for the State to avoid disturbances to the Government (I know this from Alicia Puleo and her Dialectic of Sexuality). With technological development and the massive dissemination of pornography, its numbing effect is similar to that of certain drugs and it is clearly the new opium of the people. Not to mention the devastating consequences on sexuality by colonizing our most intimate imagination by spreading standardized practices and behaviors on a massive scale. Sexual freedom cannot exist if, to begin with, not even your fantasies are yours and your imagination is hijacked by the algorithm. Apart from the most important problem on which this pornocracy is based: the monstrous violence against the real women who appear in the images, the consequences of which are devastating for the victims, but also for the "spectators." Which not only has effects on minors; Adult men have also increasingly internalized that sex is synonymous with humiliation, submission, beatings, insults and mistreatment of the sexual partner who, in turn, has also been exposed to pornography or has been a victim of sexual violence. At some point, she will end up assuming that role of a subjugated slave, having learned to eroticize her own degradation.