Book encourages didactic use of radio in times of COVID-19

With the aim of guiding teachers in the use of radio as a teaching medium during the pandemic, the Nucleus of Radio Studies of the Federal University of Rio Grande , Brazil, (NER) launched the digital book Ten Steps to emergency education on the radio in times of covid-19 , by Luiz Artur Ferraretto and Fernando Morgado.
The study decided to focus on radio, as it is a more accessible and economical medium for low-income students, who often have difficulties connecting to the Internet and taking classes online.
The book seeks that teachers become more familiar with this medium, through ten simple steps: learn how the radio works; don't be afraid to speak into the microphone; do not speak alone; chat with class; explore the students' environment; get to the point; teach through modules; stop and think; be redundant; and start all over again
“In the end, decades ago, the radio was configured as an imaginary companion for its listeners. Isn't he a companion also as a teacher positions himself when he leads students along the path of knowledge? ”, The book reads, in its presentation. You can download the Spanish and Portuguese versions here.
Created in 2016, within the Postgraduate Program in Communication of the Faculty of Library and Information Science of the UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, the NER is certified by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), a body attached to the Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovations of the Brazilian government.
Previously, the entity already published the digital book Covid-19 and communication, a practical guide to face the crisis , distributed free of charge on the Internet since April of this year. Find more information about the NER on his blog and fanpage.