The evolution of popular communication in Latin America

The evolution of popular communication in Latin America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Author: Ana Cristina Suzina

The author examines a wide range of seminal and often overlooked works that have been constitutive in the Latin American field of media and communication studies, exploring how the concept of Communication for Development and Social Change has evolved over the years. years to reach its current theoretical and empirical constructions. It recognizes a diversity of approaches that seeks to overcome two classic dichotomies of North and South, local and global.


The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America presents to the English-speaking public the richness and breadth of research in Latin American communication. The book covers a wide variety of empirical and theoretical aspects of popular communication in an accessible and pedagogical way, making it an excellent entry point for international scholars and students who wish to become familiar with communication practice and research perspectives. from Latin America ".- Paola Sartoretto, Adjunct Professor, Jönköping University, Sweden

"The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America is a timely and relevant book that makes a valuable contribution to the field of Communication and Media Studies. It offers a set of experiences anchored in historical, cultural and social contexts that provide a solid discussion on Popular Communication. The chapters demonstrate how Popular Communication is both a theoretical and empirical approach to analyze inequalities, struggles and resistance from the perspective of those who are on the fringes of society. They also explain the relationship between Popular Communication, social struggles, communication for social change, communication rights and the media. The book fosters an academic dialogue with the Global South by focusing on and analysis of a key concept by Latin American scholars normally invisible to mainstream academia which broadens the sources of knowledge from which we should all learn er ".- Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Professor, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Mexico.

"Popular communication is about communication processes in which marginalized cultures can express themselves and breathe. The concept, which has been key to work in media and development studies in Latin America, has been little explored in publications aimed at English-speaking audiences. Therefore, this book is a breath of fresh air from the Global South at a time when people from many corners of the world struggle against colonial oppression. It addresses the stories and epistemologies of popular communication in Latin America, offering an important contribution to our It brings together authors from various Latin American countries and diasporas, who embrace diversity in terms of writing styles and lived experiences. If you are interested in engaging in a truly global dialogue, this book is a great place to start. ". - Andrea Medrado, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Vice President of IAMCR

“In Latin America, autonomous and critical scientific thinking has been based on popular communication practices that have reoriented communication as a culture and as a political base for the production of power, struggle and resistance. The texts collected in this work review Latin American communicational thought and invite a South-North dialogue that redefines popular communication as decolonial epistemology and in the realm of rearrangements produced by globalization and the digitalization processes of life. ”.- Denise Cogo, professor at ESPM and researcher at CNPq, Brazil

“This volume makes a decisive contribution to the theoretical and practical efforts to refound democratic communication in the service of those - working classes, women, minorities - who are on the wrong side of the social relations of domination. If the social sciences tend to feed a certain pessimism of reason, the contributions collected in this volume deliberately choose, in the fight against the global violence of neoliberal capitalism, the optimism of the will. ”- Benjamin Ferron, East-Paris University, France

The edition will go into circulation in 2021