CineOP - Ouro Preto Film Festival
June 19 to 24, 2024
Ouro Preto 2024 menu
The Ouro Preto Film Festival and the Kino Network – Latin American Education, Cinema and Audiovisual Network promoted a broad remote public consultation, prior to the in-person meeting, to update and expand the proposed regulation of Federal Law 13,006/14, which determines the exhibition of two hours of Brazilian cinema per month in basic education schools. A form was created which was answered by a community made up of educators, public managers, filmmakers, preservation professionals, researchers, teachers and those interested in implementing a public policy that guarantees the implementation of the Law. Based on the responses received were Four Working Groups (WG) in person during the XIX CineOP. With the participation of cultural and educational professionals and representatives of the Ministry of Culture (MINC), representatives of the Ministry of Education (MEC) and Ministries of Human Rights (MDH), the Working Groups prepared a document with a proposal that aims contribute with parameters and guidelines for the construction of a National School Film Program.
Therefore, the public discussion of the Program was divided into two stages. In the first stage, an online action was previously carried out with the consultation to update and expand the proposed regulation of Law 13,006/14.
The questions on the form aimed to collectively build a document that would point out the necessary elements for cinematographic practices in school contexts, respecting the diversity of territories and valuing the circulation of cultures and films that make up the country. The second stage designed was the face-to-face action with the institution of the four Working Groups (GT), formed around the following topics: Teacher training; Production and exhibition conditions; Collections and curators; and Pedagogies.
Through their own notice, the public present at the Exhibition was able to register to take a seat in the four GT. In addition to the WGs, debates were included in the program of the event open to the public. The WG meetings took place on June 19 and 20, in Ouro Preto.
Regarding the methodology adopted by the WGs, on June 19, the first day of work, the WGs met in the Education Meeting auditorium for an initial presentation on the work dynamics and, subsequently, each WG met separately to systematize the main issues resulting from the broad public consultation that guided the debate at that first moment.
On June 20, the second day of work, the sessions began with the presentation of the main issues resulting from the systematization of the previous day's debates. A new debate was held with a densification of the questions presented on the first day and the elaboration of points that summarize the discussion. Below we present the summarized results of the contributions and debates that will be carried out systematized for the final document of the proposal for the National School Film Program to be addressed to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Rights, the Ministry of Communication and other government representatives involved in the matter so that the development of the National Film in School Program becomes effective, we call for attention to the following guidelines and strategic objectives resulting from the previous collective process described:
1. Link the National Film in School Program to Education and Audiovisuals in Brazil
Promote audiovisual training, production, distribution/dissemination, exhibition and preservation policies that dialogue with educational, cinematographic and audiovisual policies and guarantee access and
accessibility of independent Brazilian cinema in schools. Contribute massively to the main policies of the MEC for Basic Education, namely: National Commitment to Childhood Literacy;
Full Time School Program; National Connected Schools Strategy; expansion of vacancies in day care centers, preschools and new early childhood education establishments, through Early Childhood Education Maintenance (EI Maintenance); the creation of interfederal working groups to debate the last years of primary education and recomposition.
Learning; and sending of bill no. 5.230/2023 on the National High School Policy, as well as the dialogue with the guidelines, strategic objectives and programs of the National Culture Plan, the Brazilian Cinema and Audiovisual policies and their respective managers, such as the Audiovisual Secretariat of the MinC, ANCINE and the Superior Council cinema.
2. democratization of pedagogical practices
Promote diverse pedagogical practices with cinema to protect and promote diversity. culture of all ethnic-racial groups and their social derivations, recognizing the scope of
notions of education, school, cinema and audiovisual, throughout the national territory, involving teachers, students and the entire school community, to guarantee the multiplicity of values,
train ourselves and collaborate with the consolidation of Brazilian democracy.
3. Integration and Mainstreaming of Cinema to Educational Policies
Incorporate cinema into curricula and political-pedagogical projects, preserving the autonomy of school units and educational processes. Recognize cinema in its multiple modalities, such as communication, language, art and culture, and incorporate its presence in official education documents, linking it with other curricular components in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner.
4. Universal access and total accessibility
Guarantee comprehensive conditions for the production and accessible dissemination of Brazilian and Latin American cinema in schools, ensuring connectivity and access to audiovisual works, materials and technologies with assistance resources, providing the inclusion of all students in the cinematographic universe and guaranteeing the universal right to a quality education.
5. Full-time inclusion in school
Ensure the implementation of pedagogical practices with cinema in full-time schools, offering diverse experiences for students, technical assistance, training and working conditions
Job suitable for education professionals.
6. Articulation of Cinema, Audiovisual and Education policies with Digital Culture
Defend and prioritize the adoption of non-patented technologies aiming at Brazilian digital sovereignty and
integrate the methodologies and pedagogies of cinema, audiovisual and education to the National Plan
Digital Education and the National Strategy for Connected Schools, with a view to establishing an ethical relationship
with digital technologies, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence.
7. Promotion of Regionalized Platform Networks and Participation in National Collections .
Promote regional networks and film and education platforms with multidisciplinary, focused teams
in the promotion and dissemination of territorialized educational practices with cinema in schools and teacher training, as well as guaranteeing the participation of school audiovisual production in public collections,
Brazilian official repositories and platforms.
8. Development of Collaborative Processes
Implement film production and dissemination actions at school through the creation of processes. collaborations and the articulation of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge, integrating cultural and educational institution managers, teachers, students, curators, artists, researchers, mental health professionals, community agents to build bridges between
schools and cinematographic, cultural and artistic environments, such as festivals and exhibitions, public exhibition halls, cinematheques and film clubs and the various facilities that make up the cultural and artistic ecosystem in the country committed to the ethical, aesthetic and political dimension of education.
9.Teacher training with cinematographic experiences
Ensure that the initial and continuous training of teachers includes diverse experiences with cinema, from film clubs to mandatory subjects on film and education, in addition to promoting the creation of film careers, in accordance with the possibilities and conditions of contexts and training institutions.
10. Production of Local and Sustainable Technologies
Stimulate the production of local technologies using sustainable materials with a lower ecological impact, developing inclusive Latin American solutions adapted to local specificities.
Throughout the event, which also featured five roundtables on educational audiovisual projects held in several Brazilian states and in Latin American and European countries, two film sessions held in schools, two international Masterclasses, it was evident that the cinematographic experience in Schools represent today, more than ever, a way to guarantee the imagination of new common worlds, sensitive listening, respect for difference, and public health and care action. These potentialities of cinema were identified as a way out to defend a democratic society in which there is space for individual and group subjective productions. who reside in schools. From a series of examples that were exemplified in the description of project practices with different approaches, the urgency was detected to guarantee educational experiences with cinema so that, through access to education and cinema, children, young people and their teachers can resist discourses that promote hatred, the extermination of difference and dissolution of the experience of presence.
The solidarity of the Network with the comrades of Argentina who face this historic moment, of fighting against an extreme right-wing government that imposes the persecution of education and culture , wearing down democratic life and the pact of civilization that should sustain the dignity of the people and life in society. We believe that only investment in quality education.
The social can make us follow other paths aimed at living well. We know that cinema is today an important ally in this sense and, therefore, we call on government representatives to work together towards a state public policy for the field of cinema and education.
Ouro Preto, June 24, 2024.
Latin American Network of Education, Cinema and Audiovisual