Committee / Helena CORAZZA
Latin America & Caribbean
BiographyHelena Corazza, FSP, belongs to the Congregation of the Daughters of São Paulo (Paulinas). Doctorate in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (USP) with the thesis: "Educommunication: paths and perspectives in pastoral formation. The experience of the Pastoral Communication Service (SEPAC)". Graduated in Literature, Journalism and Theology Director of the Pastoral Communication Service (SEPAC) and coordinates the Education and Research Sector of SIGNIS Brazil (Catholic Communication Association) Coordinates the Specialization Course in Communication, Theology and Culture: theoretical-practical of SEPAC in collaboration with the São Paulo Theological Institute (ITESP), where he is also a professor with the discipline Education for Communication and Educommunication: a new look at communication education. He is part of the Research Group on Educational Communication (MECOM) linked to ECA-USP, founding member of the Brazilian Association of Educommunication Researchers (ABEPducom) He works in distance learning courses and advises on the training of pastoral and cultural agents in the area of communication and its interfaces, in person. Author of several articles and books on the subject, including: “Educommunication. Pastoral formation in digital culture ”, Pastoral da Comunicação, dialogue between faith and culture, among others. Email: