Kino Network Seminar

Kino Network Seminar
Latin America & Caribbean

The Kino Network Seminar is a research and training event that seeks to explore the possible articulations between cinema and education,

with emphasis on the training of teachers in Latin American public schools. Our objective is to promote reflections on how cinema can contribute to the construction of democratic education within the framework of the historical and cultural diversity of our region.

The central theme of this year's Seminar is "The Alchemy of Archives", which arose from debates and discussions carried out, throughout 2023, by the Kino Network. For this training, we value the presence of the poetics of Latin American filmmakers and the power of the images of indigenous and Afro-diasporic peoples, since these narratives were the most marginalized and silenced in our training in Latin America.

Through a pedagogical journey that is constantly under construction, the Red Kino Seminar seeks to create a space for exchanging and viewing films, to reflect on the possibilities and experiences with cinema in the classrooms.

The meetings will be held online on June 6 and 7, 2024, through the Zoom platform, and will be divided as follows:

Day 06, 10.00 to 12.30 - Earth Archives
Day 07, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Archives in motion
2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Files to play

Participants will receive certificates approved by Red KINO and UFMG. The link to access the room will be sent to the email registered in the registration. Just in case, check your spam folder.

At the end of the registration period, we will send an access link to the KINO 2024 Platform that will be presented on both days of the Seminar. It contains the selection of films of the year and some approach proposals that will be discussed during the meetings.

We will wait for you!

A creation of Red KINO, Media at the School and University of Buenos Aires (BsAs - Argentina), 4 Folhas Audiovisuais (BH - Brazil) and LAIS - Laboratory and Archive of Image and Sound (UFMG)

Institutional alliances: Audiovisual Studies Laboratory-OLHO (UNICAMP) //// Image and Sound Pedagogies (Unifor) / Porto Iracema das Artes School //// Education and cinema with the territories - creation and research extension (ECOS- UFSJ