The role of community journalism in digital times
by Omar Rincòn - Professor of Colombia
He is an associate professor at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), director of the master's degree in journalism from the same university, and a media analyst for the newspaper El Tiempo.
He is a communication consultant for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Lately he has tried the indigenous chronicle (2015), rehearsing the mutations of popular cultures (Communication in mutation –remix of discourses-, 2015), thinking about Uribe and his populisms (De Uribe, Santos and other species, 2015), surviving the video art (audiovisuals of the fog, 2014). Previously, he was the author of the audiovisual essay Los Colombianos TAL como somos, Brasil (2007). His best known books are: Media narratives or as the entertainment society tells (2006); Public Television: from the consumer to the citizen (2005), Television, video and subjectivity (2002).